Get Long Key


Is your DS2 Converter license key not working, or do you need to move it to a different computer?

If so, please use this page to get a new key.

Please note that in order to prevent software piracy, you can do this yourself just three times per month. To do so more often than that, please contact us.

To find your license key, open Ds2 Converter and click License, and you should see it in the top right.

To find your license key, open Ds2 Converter and click License, and you should see it in the top right. This is the PC ID of the computer on which you want to use the Ds2 Converter. Do not use the PC ID of any other computer. To find your computer’s PC ID, open Ds2 Converter and click License, where you will see your 12-digit PC ID. Copy and paste it into the field above, including hyphens.